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Shrubs. Leaves trifoliolate, alternate, petiolate, stipulate. Leaflets alternate, petiolulate, stipellate; distinct pinnately veined on lower side of leaf blade. Inflorescences terminal or axillary, pseudoracemose or compound pseudoracemose; foliaceous primary bracts with two lateral leaflet-like and a terminal bristle; simple primary bracts rarely present (only in Phyllodium insigne); secondary bract 1, at the base of pedicel. Flowers fasciculate, pedicellate; bracteoles 2, near the base of calyx tube, caducous. Calyx green, cup–shaped or campanulate with 4 teeth, persistent. Corolla papilionaceous. Stamens 10, monadelphous; anther longitudinally dehiscent. Ovary superior, 1–carpellate. Pods flat, indehiscent lomentum with (1–) 2–7 articles.